
If you are thinking about adding a Big Dog to your family, you should know that it's not all fluffy puppies. I drool a lot. And I like to dig in the mud and then get it all over My People. And I have to walk every day or I get too wild. My People met many, many St. Bernards before they adopted me, and they don't mind messes very much!

Thursday, November 29, 2007


I was born in snow season. I LOVE snow. So do my kids as you can see below.

When spring came I would look for every last patch of snow to lie on. We're very excited because we heard it might snow this weekend. Do you like snow?

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

New Friends

Goodness; My Kids have been very busy lately. They have been playing, learning, arguing with The Mom and The Dad, and other stuff. It's been so hectic that they haven't had time to help me write my blog.

So The Mom is helping me today.

I met a new very nice friend this weekend. I know he is very nice because he scratched behind my ears. He is the same age as The Girl. He came over with his aunt who is a friend of The Mom's.

It's nice to make new friends. And exhausting. Here's what I looked like after they left.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Some Smart Cats

Guess what! I'm not the only creature living in this home. I figured that out the first time I went inside. Here are my clever feline friends Espe and Lightning (playing chess with The Boy). For some reason they always hiss and slap at me when I try to wrestle or play. I also share My People with two fish and a snail.

Do you have any pets?

Friday, November 16, 2007

Getting Bigger

When I was born I immediately started gaining 1/2 pound per day! This is me at 8 weeks and 22 pounds!

After winter was pretty much gone My People started putting me in a kennel in the side yard. I liked to eat their raspberries. Sometimes My Kids and their friends would even give me some (because they say they have too many)! I also liked sleeping on the concrete steps.Do you like raspberries?

Thursday, November 15, 2007

My New Home

One day The Mom and her friend came to get me at the farm. I slept a lot on the ride to my new home. When I got home I saw something big and yellow. My Kids got off and came over. The Mom opened the car and My Kids were VERY excited to see me. They didn't know I was coming home that day.

Soon I was used to being in the house. And I liked to sleep on the hard floors.

I liked my new home. I missed my parents some, but they were relieved that some of their puppies had moved. I decided to put another picture of them on this site.

Do you ever miss someone?

Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Here I am resting when I was very small.When I was first born I was about the size of a guinea pig. Kind of like my cousin who is with me in the picture below, but even smaller (she's two weeks old in this picture). I gain about 1/2 pound every day. Now I weigh about 140 pounds and I'm only ten months old! I have to eat well, exercise, and sleep a lot (because I get tired!) to grow that much.

Here I am with The Dad. Were you ever this small?

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

The Early Days

Here's my mom when my brothers and sisters and I were two weeks old. I have ten brothers and sisters. That's a lot of babies at one time! Doesn't my mom look tired? We don't keep in touch much anymore, but as you can see we were all very close at first.

The same day that this picture was taken, My Kids came to visit me for the first time. Here we are together. They held me and petted me and I liked them right away. They liked me too. I was friendly and playful, and not bossy or tough. Everybody looks for different things in a friend. I'm glad My People like me just the way I am.

Monday, November 12, 2007

Back in the Day

Meet my parents, Maddison (on the left) and Lucky, when I was still growing in my mom's tummy!

Before I was even born, My People came to visit the farm where my parents live. They met my Grandpa Brutus too. He's huge! He weighs 220 pounds. That's a tenth of a ton! Sometimes he gets cranky, so they just said hi and stayed behind the fence.
Do you ever get cranky?