
If you are thinking about adding a Big Dog to your family, you should know that it's not all fluffy puppies. I drool a lot. And I like to dig in the mud and then get it all over My People. And I have to walk every day or I get too wild. My People met many, many St. Bernards before they adopted me, and they don't mind messes very much!

Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Scout's a Little Sad Today

Scout's a little sad because she got suspended from her boarding school (actually it's just kind of her overnight babysitter). Apparently being around about 50 other dogs running around and barking stresses her out. When she's excited she barks and chases littler dogs and they don't like it that much.

She's really big so The People at the school have a hard time handling her, especially since the dogs don't wear collars there. And they don't take care of any other Saint Bernards so they aren't really used to it.

She is very exhausted. She has slept THE WHOLE day, except for eating a bowl of food and going outside to go to the bathroom. She's also shedding a lot, another sign that she was pretty anxious at school.

We have some other places in mind for her to stay next time we go out of town. Quieter, more peaceful places.

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