
If you are thinking about adding a Big Dog to your family, you should know that it's not all fluffy puppies. I drool a lot. And I like to dig in the mud and then get it all over My People. And I have to walk every day or I get too wild. My People met many, many St. Bernards before they adopted me, and they don't mind messes very much!

Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Yawn. Stretch. Groan.

Oh, hi. I haven't been able to write much lately because I've been hibernating. Well, not really, because dogs don't truly hibernate, but I have been taking it easy. Unfortunately, this morning The Woman discovered one of my secret napping spots. I'm wearing my gentle leader because we were supposed to be getting ready to go for a walk when I snuck away to snooze.

She took some pictures so you can see too. I don't understand why it's a big deal, all the other creatures sleep up there. Except those little swimming things.

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