
If you are thinking about adding a Big Dog to your family, you should know that it's not all fluffy puppies. I drool a lot. And I like to dig in the mud and then get it all over My People. And I have to walk every day or I get too wild. My People met many, many St. Bernards before they adopted me, and they don't mind messes very much!

Monday, December 3, 2007

Keep sending me emails. I love reading them (when I'm not resting on piles of boots).

A friend of The Mom's sent one recently that told the story of Jan the St. Bernard. Jan's People liked to go swimming at Lake Nokomis in Minneapolis. One summer they took him to the beach with them.

That sounds like a lot of fun, but I guess it was kind of a problem for Jan. He kept thinking that His Kids were in trouble out in the water. St. Bernards were first bred to be rescue dogs, so if we think there is a problem, we want to help. Jan would swim to His Kids, grab their suits in his mouth, and try to drag them back to shore.

The next time they went to the beach they left him home.

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