
If you are thinking about adding a Big Dog to your family, you should know that it's not all fluffy puppies. I drool a lot. And I like to dig in the mud and then get it all over My People. And I have to walk every day or I get too wild. My People met many, many St. Bernards before they adopted me, and they don't mind messes very much!

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

New Friends

Goodness; My Kids have been very busy lately. They have been playing, learning, arguing with The Mom and The Dad, and other stuff. It's been so hectic that they haven't had time to help me write my blog.

So The Mom is helping me today.

I met a new very nice friend this weekend. I know he is very nice because he scratched behind my ears. He is the same age as The Girl. He came over with his aunt who is a friend of The Mom's.

It's nice to make new friends. And exhausting. Here's what I looked like after they left.

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